Feature Fridays "Expert Edition": Body Positivity with Jaimmy Koroma

We chatted with Jaimmy Koroma, Body Positive and Lifestyle Influencer who shares her journey of self-acceptance and self-love. You can follow her journey of loving her body @jaimmykoroma. 1. What does being confident in your body feel like? For me feeling confident in your body is so much more than thinking you look good in […]

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Feature Fridays "Expert Edition": Entrepreneur with Ronne Brown

We chatted with Ronne Brown, Founder of Girl CEO and HERlistic, Branding Expert, Professional Speaker, and Author. She helps brands make money online her platform @ronnebrown. Join her community @girlceoinc that has grown to be the playground for female entrepreneurs. 1. When did you start your business?  My entrepreneurial journey began the moment I lost […]

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Can I Heal and Still Be the Same Person?

When you’re living with mental illness, or carrying around a painful past, it may seem obvious that you want to heal from those experiences. What’s not so obvious to people on the outside, though, is that it can also be really scary to heal. Many people are afraid that if they heal their pain, they’ll […]

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How to Stop Obsessing Over Your Past Mistakes: 5 Tips

If you’re a human being, then you’ve made a mistake at some point in your life. It never feels good to mess up, but some of us are able to forgive ourselves quickly and move on. No one’s perfect, after all. Other people find themselves obsessing over their past mistakes. They might worry about the […]

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