Feature Fridays "Expert Edition": Entrepreneur with Ronne Brown

We chatted with Ronne Brown, Founder of Girl CEO and HERlistic, Branding Expert, Professional Speaker, and Author. She helps brands make money online her platform @ronnebrown. Join her community @girlceoinc that has grown to be the playground for female entrepreneurs.

1. When did you start your business? 

My entrepreneurial journey began the moment I lost my job and realized that at any given moment that someone could fire me and end the only source of income that I had to provide for my children. I was Inspired to pursue my path when I realized the lack of information and resources available for new female entrepreneurs. I decided that once I reached a certain level of success that I would start sharing what I learned to help other women accomplish their goals.

2. What do you wish you could go back and tell yourself when you were first launching your business? 

Stop looking for shortcuts. Doing the work is much more rewarding. Focus on purpose, not profit. Knowing that there is no such thing as an overnight success. Understanding that failure is a part of the journey, and starting over is better than not starting at all. I will also add don't be afraid to ask for help.

3. What's the biggest challenge you've faced emotionally when starting your business? 

The biggest challenged I’ve faced emotionally when starting a business is balancing the business and being a mother. It takes a lot to run a business and still manage your personal life with your family but I’ve learned to put things on a schedule and do the best that I can.

4. What do you wish more people knew about your job?

 I think more people need to know that it’s important to provide actual resources tools and strategies in a world of empowerment and motivation. I am very intentional in providing tools and strategies that require implementation. Increasing accessibility, offering an interactive community, and creating  intimate learning environments that positions women to build real relationships.

5. What is the best advice you have been given about burnout? 

Burnout is real and you have to listen to your body. The biggest thing that has helped me with burnout is just knowing and understanding that God is in total control. When my faith is in the right space I know and believe that he is going to provide for me so I don’t have to operate as if I am in total control. When I’ve had those moments where I’ve operated like ok God has me and I trust this versus me worry working things have always worked out in my favor. 

6. What changes do you hope to see with entrepreneurs that are trying to maintain a full-time job while growing their side hustle? 

Some of the changes that I hope to see with entrepreneurs that are trying to maintain a full-time job while growing their side hustles is that they stay at their full-time jobs a little longer versus being so focused on firing their bosses. I think that we need to know that we need some income to fund our businesses and our 9-5 is the perfect solution to that. Sometimes leaving your 9-5 so quick it puts you in a very tough space where you can’t operate at your best because your working out of fear versus being able to really focus and have clear thinking. So, one of the things that I hope changes is that people are not so anxious to quit their jobs so fast but they stick it in longer, learn more, and use the 9-5 money to build their businesses. 

7. How do you self-care?

 My self-care is giving myself facials, sitting in my backyard drinking hot tea just letting the wind blow in my hair and having that silent moment to myself. I also love getting massages as well. 

8. What are 3 tips you can give people about maintaining their mental wellness and running a business?

  • Do the best you can, don’t overwork yourself. 
  • Learn to turn it off , working and doing something you love can be addictive but you need balance.
  • Say no when you need to. Committing to things you don’t have the energy to do will drain you as an entrepreneur. 

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