Nervous About Heading Back to In-Person Work? Here’s What You Can Do About It

After the longest year and a half of our lives, many of us are now being told that it’s time to go back into the office and work in-person.  You might have mixed feelings about it. Maybe part of you is dreading returning to the daily commute, but another part is excited to have some […]

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Zoom Fatigue: Signs You Have It and How to Fix It

2020 was a weird year, to say the least. We spent months of our time locked away in our homes. We stopped hugging our friends and family. We did an absurd amount of online shopping. And we got very, very familiar with a program called Zoom. If you’re feeling burnt out by video calls on […]

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7 Signs You’ve Reached Burnout

You’re working long hours, but you don’t feel like you’re getting anything done. You dread getting up to go to work every morning. You don’t feel like anything matters 一 no matter what you do, it doesn’t make a difference, and you won’t be recognized for it. You’re exhausted, all the time. Sound familiar? If […]

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How to Practice Self-Care as a Business Owner

When you own a business, life can get hectic fast. You wear so many different hats - accountant, manager, designer, CEO, and more - and it can get hard to remember who you are outside of work.  It’s great to be passionate about a business venture. But when you own and operate a business, it’s […]

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