Moving in Together? Here Are Some Things to Consider

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Your relationship with your significant other has gotten serious. You’ve both begun thinking about your future together, and it’s so exciting! Then the big move happens. That is, moving in together. Congratulations on this major relationship milestone! But of course, there are things to think about before you make this shift. Let’s look into things to consider when you’re about to move in with your partner.

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For some, thinking about money sparks anxiety. For others, it’s not a problem. It can seem boring and unsexy to talk about money with your significant other. But the fact is that discussing your current financial situation with your partner is important when moving in together. 

Is student loan debt plaguing either of you? Do you have a plan as to who will take care of the bills? Laying this all out early on relieves some of the pressure that money can put on a relationship, and makes living together much easier. Going into it knowing who will contribute what is a big deal!

At the same time, don’t let finances deter you if money does freak you out. Be willing to have an open and honest discussion with your significant other, letting them know your concerns. Outside of a plan for the money and the bills, it will feel good to convey any concerns or insecurities you have surrounding money with your partner.

Keeping House

Make sure that neither of you is expecting the other to tackle specific house chores. Talk about your preferences and work out what each of you will take care of. Maybe you set up a rule that whoever cooks the food on any given day isn’t responsible for washing dishes (or loading the dishwasher). One of you may be handier with folding laundry perfectly while the other finds cutting grass somewhat meditative. 

Maybe you decide to split chores 50/50 and stay in your own lane, or you decide to rotate who does what in terms of cleaning, cooking, and general maintenance. Regardless, it’s important to keep your expectations realistic and have an agreement going into the big move. No one wants to be saddled with all the housework (unless that’s your “thing”)!


It may be a simple thing to consider, but style is a big one! How you decorate can make a statement, and it’s important that both you and your significant other enjoy the aesthetic in the space you’re sharing. While it shouldn’t take a ton of discussion or be a cause for concern when there are differences in taste regarding home décor, it might be nice to have an idea of how you’d like your home to look.

Time Spent

When you move in with your significant other, it’s natural to want to spend as much time together as humanly possible. But, you must remember that you are individuals and need time spent apart. This is something that many couples figure out as they go along, but it’s a good conversation to have sooner. It’s important to manage your expectations when it comes to when you’ll spend time together, and when you want to have time to yourself. Mapping that out when you’re just about to move in together will help both of you feel more secure in the relationship as two individuals with your own needs

Having these conversations can seem daunting at first, but getting them out of the way will lead to a much smoother transition into living together. This is a major life decision; you and your partner deserve to feel excited, while also knowing what to expect!

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