How to Find the Perfect Therapist

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Therapy is a tool that provides useful strategies that help you achieve your goals.

Think about it like this…

If you want to communicate better, therapy is the perfect resource.

If you want to understand your emotions, a therapist helps with this.

If you desire to heal from trauma, your therapist will guide you.

Therapy is used to assist you with moving forward from challenges, pain or trauma you experience in your daily life. The hope is it will guide you into a lifestyle that epitomizes mental and spiritual freedom. In addition, therapy can be used to teach you how to cope with disappointment, sadness, pain, and fear and/or cultivate healthy relationships with peers and family.

In summary, therapy is used for multiple reasons.

Is therapy useful for everyone? It can help. There’s nothing wrong with trying to identify some of your concerns and learn alternative methods to address those concerns. Now, obviously, if you're reading this article, you are probably thinking about seeing a therapist, am I right?!

Check out some of the tips below to assist in your search for “your perfect” therapist.

Related Podcast: 15 Minutes On The Couch "Suffering in Silence: Mental Health + the Black Community"


Write a list of things you need to address to present a clear picture of your expectations. To take a step further, create bullet points describing the events that occurred. Once you have a list of your needs, be sure to consider the following:


The relationship with your therapist is as critical as the person you marry and the house you buy. Choosing the right therapist requires due diligence in research and vetting. The relationship must be safe and harmonious. Trust must be present and to establish that, a connection must be made.

The vetting process will allow you to feel before you decide. Always check reviews and specialties. Search to find out if their strengths will treat your weaknesses. Understand their policies and payment process. Confirm that their location is okay before reaching out. Determine how often you'd go to see them.

This is no different than any other relationship you've grown. Have an idea of what it is you would like to focus on in therapy and select a therapist that specialize in that area.


Consultations are non-negotiable. Most therapists have a phone consultation process. It's a two-way street. They listen to understand your needs and decide if they can help. You listen to their responses to assess safety and trust. It is the interview process at its best. 

Most consultations are free but some have a fee. Don’t be alarmed and immediately rule that therapist out. Peace of mind is priceless and you might really like the therapist.

Find 3-5 therapists in your area and speak with them. Hear their voice. Most importantly, listen to things they aren’t saying; their tone. Take notes. Decide with the process of elimination. 


Analyze how you feel after each consultation. 

Is this person patient and understanding? Is this a person that you can open up to without judgment and shame? Does this person show compassion and empathy? 

If you cannot answer these questions without pause, then maybe that person isn’t for you.

Another method is to choose to attend a session or two to confirm your feelings; to find the answers. Don't feel ashamed if it doesn't work out. Remember the end goal. Your mission is to get your needs met. This may take a few tries so stick with it.

Once you find the perfect therapist, your life will improve more than you've ever imagined.

Related Blog: "Ready to Break Up With Your Therapist? Here's How"

Do You Have A Therapist? If So, How Did You Find The "One" For You?

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