What is a Spiritual Bath and Do I Need One?

When most people think of a bath, they think of a warm, relaxing tub full of water  with possibly some candles, a glass of their favorite drink and some ambient music however a spiritual bath is something different.  This may be your first time hearing the idea of a spiritual bath but don’t feel left […]

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Have You Outgrown Your Friendship?

Have you ever had a childhood friend who was your ride or die until you suddenly grew apart? This happens in people’s lives more often than you’d think. Often in our lives, we begin to realize that we’re becoming increasingly out of touch with old friends. And no, it’s not because they’ve done something terrible […]

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9 Phrases to Use to Calm Yourself

Here are some phrases that you can use during the day to help keep you calm: “I have enough. I am enough.” It’s letting go and relaxing in the moment and knowing you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be in this moment. “I am safe.” 3-word phases are good because they have a good rhythm […]

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10 Mental Health Apps

Everyone struggles from time to time. Now, it seems like the world has been put on pause with no clear date of resuming. Know you’re not alone. But what can you do to keep the anxiety or depression at bay? Well, there are several apps dedicated to mental health. Some help you meditate. Others track […]

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